Data Types
Learn more about data types in Budibase.
When creating a column in Budibase a data type must be specified for the column. This section will cover the different data types, the use cases for them and how they're configured.
Below is a list of currently available data types for your web apps:
Text - the most basic data type, this is as you would expect, text in any format. The length of the text can be validated with the "max length" option.
Options - Similar to a text but in this case a set of options can be specified, when a user is creating/updating a row field will appear as the options that have been specified in the form of a dropdown.
Number - another very basic data type, this can hold a decimal number and the range can be specified with the "min" and "max" value options.
True/False - for use when a "yes/no" like option is required, when a user is creating/updating a row this filed will appear as a checkbox.
Date/Time - a data type for recording dates and times, these will always be recorded in the form of an ISO 8601 date string. When a user is creating/updating a row this field will appear as a date picker. The upper and lower limits for this time can be validated using the "earliest" and "latest" options when creating the column.
Attachment - used for storing files, like images or documents, an attachment field can store many different files at the same time, a single row can contain as many files as are related to it. When creating/updating a field of this type a file drop zone will be used.
Relationship - One of the more complex concepts, this allows making a link between different rows in two different tables. Row to row relationships can be compared to something like a join statement in SQL, in that they are ideal for creating many-to-many relationships. When creating/updating a row this field will appear as a multi-selection that allows selecting any number of rows.
Formula - The formula type lets you do calculations on different fields. You have access to most of the built-in Handlebars helpers here. Check out the Formula page for more.
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